Thursday, April 6, 2017

Does injection break the wuzu? کیا انجکشن سے وضو ٹوٹ جاتا ہے؟

The issue of breaking ablution by injection
Entering something inside through meal or medicine doesn’t break the ablution. There is some body blood on the needle when one is injected and getting this quantity outside doesn’t break the wuzu since the quantity can’t flow. 

Hence jurists say if blood comes out of the body and then wiped out and it is as little as if wouldn’t wiped out it wouldn’t have flowed the ablution wouldn’t be broken.

If some blood comes out of the injury and then got wiped and it comes again and gets wiped so if the total quantity is as great as if left un-cleaned it got flowed the ablution will be broken otherwise not.

If the purpose of injecting is just to get the blood it will break the wuzu for sure. 

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