Saturday, September 30, 2017

Namaz e Janaza Ka Tarika in Urdu | نماز جنازہ کا طریقہ

How to Pray Janaza (Funeral Prayer)?
Funeral Prayer is Faz Kifya meaning communal obligation. If some perform, the obligation would be forgiven from all. However, if none of them performed all will be considered sinners. 

The way to perform is that the Imam should stand against the dead body's chest. If the body is an adult he will intend forgiveness prayer. 

In case of non-adult, he will intend to make him reward, storage, and recommender of which recommendation is accepted. Then, the intention of funeral prayer with four Takbeerat should be done. 

The funeral prayer intention includes four takbeerat, faz kifaya, praise for Allah, Darood sharif for the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him. This intention is required for both Iman and the follower. 

After raising the hands, they will say Allah o Akbar, and then bend hands down the nab. Then, this dua will be recited. 

سبحانک اللہم وبحمدک وتبارک اسمک وتعالی جدک وجل ثنائ ک ولا الہ غیرک

Then, they will say the second takbeer without raising the hands and the Dua is: 
اللہم صل علی محمد وعلی آل محمد کما صلیت علی ابراہیم وعلی آل ابراہیم انک حمید مجید

Then the third takbeer would be done without raising the hands and here the dua is as below. This prayer is for all Muslims, alive and dead. 

اللہم اغفر لحینا ومیتا وشاہدنا وغائبنا وصغیرنا وکبیرنا وذکرنا وانثانا اللہم من احییتہ منا فاحیہ علی الاسلام ومن توفیتہ منا فتوفہ علی الایمان 
O, Allah! Forgive our lives and deads, our presents and absent, our kids and adults, our men and women. O, Allah! The one of us، whom you keep alive، keep him alive at Islam. And the one whom you give death, give him at Eeman (faith). 

If the funeral prayer is for an adult, this dua should be recited.
اللہم اجعلہ لنا فرطا واجعلہ لنا اجر ا وذخرا واجعلہ لنا شافعا ومشفعا
O, Allah! Make this child as to delivering us on the destination. Make him reward cause and hereafter storage. Make him recommender for us the recommendation of whom is accepted in favor of us. 

If the dead is a nan adult, the dua to recite is as below:
اللہم اجعلہا لنا فرطا واجعلہا لنا اجراوذخرا واجعلہا لنا شافعۃ ومشفعۃ 
O, Allah! Make her as to deliver us at the destination and make her reward cause and hereafter storage for us. Make her our recommender of the recommendation of whom is accepted. 

If the prayers above aren't in your mind, you can recite this Dua.
اللہم اغفرلنا ولوالدینا وللمومنین والمومنات 

O, Allah! Forgive our parents, and all Muslim men and women.

If this Dua doesn't exist in your mind, you can recite any of what you remember. 

Then, Imam and the follower will say the fourth Takbeer, without raising the hands. Finally, all will say these words, turning the heads towards the right and left.
السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ ، السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ

Please share this funeral prayer way so that all Muslims can perform it rightly. 

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